Low-light Houseplants for Your Dream Bedroom wallacegardencenter

Low-light Houseplants for Your Dream Bedroom

When you visualize your dream bedroom, do you see a cozy space full of leafy green plants and calming decor? Unfortunately for many of us, our bedrooms get a lot less light than many of the other rooms in our homes. Whether your bedroom is north facing, or the windows are just a little on the small side, the right plants can liven up the space, reduce stress, and help you relax as you wind down for the day.

Here are some of our favorite low-light houseplants for the bedroom. Ivy does pretty well in low to moderate light. There are several varieties of ivy available with different shades of green and white variegations. Ivy's trailing tendrils do well in a hanging basket near your bedroom window. Let your ivy's soil dry out a little between waterings.

ZZ Plant is very tolerant of low light; they'll even grow in rooms where they only receive artificial light. Their glossy leaves actually reflect light around the room, helping to brighten up the room. These slow growers are extremely low maintenance—perfect for busy plant parents! They like to be a bit rootbound, so don't re-pot them very often, and don't water them more than once a month. ZZ Plant is poisonous to people and pets, and the sap is a skin irritant, so keep it out of reach of kids and pets.

Snake Plants are another tough low-light houseplant. There are many varieties of snake plants available, some with narrow, dark green cylindrical leaves and others with broad, sword-shaped, variegated green leaves, among others. Water your snake plants when you water your ZZ plant, and they'll both stay happy and healthy!

The Pothos is a hardy and vigorous grower, extending its lush leaves on long vines wherever it can. Pothos is also available in several different shades of green, including variegated types. Pothos does like its soil to dry between watering, so check if it's dry to a depth of about 1" before watering. You could train pothos vines around the frame of a four-poster bed for a real jungle-like feel.

Dieffenbachia is also fairly low-light and drought-tolerant. They will do better closer to your bedroom window, protected by a sheer curtain, than farther away. The showy variegated leaves are visually striking. Snip off browning leaves as they start to fade, and fertilize every two weeks in spring and summer.

Philodendron is very similar to pothos, and the two are often mistaken for the other. Philodendron is similar to pothos, but there are more variations available.

The ever-popular Swiss Cheese plant, or Monstera Deliciosa, is a variety of philodendron. This variety can grow very large, but is also tolerant of relatively low light, so it can create the sensation of sleeping under a rainforest canopy.

Anthurium will add a pop of vibrant color and exotic style to your bedroom with its bright blooms! While anthurium is fairly low-light tolerant, it does need plenty of bright light to bloom. So, it'll need to be as close to a large bedroom window as possible if you want to enjoy its colorful flower bracts. Only water your anthurium when the soil is dry to the touch.

Calathea, which includes several varieties, is another lovely choice to add color to a low-light bedroom. They're quite tolerant of low-light and come in a variety of colors, including some with rich dark purple on the underside of their leaves. Some types of calathea close up their leaves at night and re-open them during the day. Water calatheas only when the top of the soil is dry. Add some calming jungle ambiance to your bedroom with these low-light houseplant options.

Complement your plants with a lavender essential oil diffuser and a salt lamp, and you'll wake up relaxed, breathing better, and surrounded by lush greenery. Stop by our garden center in Bettendorf to add some low-light houseplants to your bedroom today, and ask us about garden plants that grow in full shade!

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