Houseplants & National Wellness Month wallacegardencenter

Houseplants & National Wellness Month

HOUSEPLANTS and National Wellness Month | Wallace's Garden CenterAugust is National Wellness Month—a time to focus on self-care and creating healthy routines in our day-to-day. Grow healthy habits (and a healthy environment) with the power of houseplants for better wellness not only this month, but for future you too. | Wallace's Garden Center Simply having houseplants around can improve concentration and productivity by up to 15%, as well as boost your mood and reduce stress levels.The power of gardening isn’t confined to the outdoors. An indoor meditation garden can be the perfect retreat for your wellness staycation this month.CREATE YOUR OWN WELLNESS GARDEN - 1. CLEAR SPACE. This can be a whole room or a spacious corner, but make sure you have enough space to sit or lay comfortably. 2. ADD GREENERY. A few beautiful houseplants will do the trick! Blend larger houseplants, like palms and philodendrons, with smaller plants such as Boston ferns and bonsai trees. 3. GET COMFORTABLE. Think about what you need for a self-care moment: comfy cushions, snuggly textiles, soothing sounds… Then you’re ready for some much-deserved relaxation.
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