Creating a Deer-Resistant Garden: Tips and Plant Recommendations
Hi everyone! It’s Kate from Wallace’s Garden Center in Bettendorf Iowa. If you’re like me and live in a wooded neighborhood, you know just how challenging it can be to maintain a garden with deer constantly browsing. Today, I'm excited to share some valuable tips on creating a deer-resistant garden, including plant recommendations and various deterrent methods.
Understanding Deer-Resistant Plants
When it comes to deer-resistant plants, there are a few key characteristics to look for:

Leaf Texture: Plants with thick, leathery, or succulent leaves are often avoided by deer. For instance, Hellebores (Lenten Roses) and Butterfly Bushes have thick, tough leaves that deer don’t like. Sedums and Sempervivum (Hens and Chicks) also offer a succulent texture that deters deer.
Recommended Deer Resistant Plants

(Photo courtesy of Proven Winners)
Pulmonaria (Lungwort): Ideal for shaded areas, this plant blooms in early spring with purple, pink, or blue flowers.

(Photo courtesy of Proven Winners)
Astilbe (False): A wonderful option for partial shade to shade gardens, Astilbe not only has delicate, feathery plumes that bring texture and movement but also features fuzzy leaves and stems, which deer typically avoid. They bloom in stunning shades of pink, red, and white, adding a splash of color to shaded areas.
Lavender: Not only deer-resistant but also attracts pollinators. Its fragrance is a bonus for any garden.

(Photo courtesy of Proven Winners)
Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia): With its tall spikes of blue-purple flowers, it’s a standout in any garden. It’s strong scent makes it deer-resistant.

Agastache (Anise Hyssop): This perennial blooms like an annual, providing long-lasting color and fragrance.
Yarrow (Achillea): An excellent sun-loving perennial known for its fern-like leaves and clusters of small, colorful flowers. Yarrow's fine, feathery foliage makes it unappealing to deer, and it thrives in a variety of soil types, making it a versatile addition to any garden. Its long bloom period adds extended color, and it serves as a fantastic pollinator plant.

Sedum: Known for their thick, succulent leaves, Sedums are a hardy addition to any garden. They are heat and drought-tolerant, making them perfect for challenging conditions. Their unique foliage and blooms add visual interest, while their resilient nature ensures they remain unappealing to deer.

Sempervivum (Hens and Chicks): These rosette-forming succulents are great for hot, dry locations and thrive in rock gardens. The thick, rubbery texture of their leaves makes them particularly unappealing to deer. They spread easily, creating a beautiful ground cover that adds texture and color to any garden.

Hellebores (Lenten Roses): These shade perennials bloom in early spring and have thick, leathery leaves.

Butterfly Bush (Buddleja): Great for full sun areas, and it’s both deer-resistant and a magnet for butterflies.

Ornamental Grasses: Grasses like Karl Foerster, Zebra and Hardy Pampas are not only deer-resistant but also add stunning texture and movement to any landscape. Their fine, grassy texture and flowing plumes are generally unappealing to deer. Ornamental grasses also provide great fall and winter interest, adding height and volume to your garden.
Non-Plant Deer Deterrents
In addition to choosing deer-resistant plants, there are other methods to keep deer away from your garden:
- Netting: Physical barriers such as nets and fences can be effective, particularly for vegetable gardens. We carry Deer-X Protective Netting for Garden & Landscapes at Wallece’s Garden Center.

- Liquid Repellents: Products like Liquid Fence, which contains garlic oil, egg solids, and dried blood, can deter deer but may also be unpleasant for humans. Remember not to apply Liquid Fence near or on vegetables. If they are getting in your vegetable garden, opt for Go Away Deer and Rabbit Repellent instead.
- Soap Bars: Deer tend to avoid fragrant soap like Deer No No. Hanging bars of this soap in mesh bags in trees can help.
- Garden Clips Clips: Fend Off plastic clips emit a strong garlic smell that deer dislike. They can be attached to fences, tomato cages or even the plants themselves.
- Deer Off Deer Repellent: These contain dried blood to signal a danger response in deer. They can be attached to plants or stakes and blend well into the garden.
- Motion-Activated Sprinklers: The Jet Eye Solar-Powered, Motion-Activated Animal Repeller Water Jet Sprinkler scares deer away by spraying water when motion is detected.
Thank you for joining us today as we explored ways to keep deer out of your garden. Remember, while there are many deer-resistant plants and deterrents, nothing is completely deer-proof. Sometimes, we must share our green spaces with these beautiful creatures, and a little damage is a small price to pay for living close to nature. If you need more suggestions or personalized advice, come visit us at Wallace's Garden Center. Together, we can create a garden that is both beautiful and more deer-resistant.
Happy gardening!