The Best Houseplants for Low Light wallacegardencenter

The Best Houseplants for Low Light

Don’t have a south-facing window? No problem! These houseplants thrive even in low-light areas.

The days are getting shorter, meaning you’ll be spending more time indoors, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on being surrounded by greenery! If you’re limited to low-light areas, like spots near north-facing windows, there are still many plants that will thrive there. Whether you’re looking to liven up your work/study space, bedroom, or other low-light areas, these plants will do the trick!

"Brightening up dark corners of the home with houseplants is a great idea any time of year, but as we head into the darker winter months, plants will be an even more welcome addition!"

Nerve Plant

Also known as Fittonia, Nerve Plant has small leaves with white, pink, or red veins, creating a high-contrast and high-interest plant! This small-growing plant reaches up to six inches tall and spreads about 12 inches at the most. While the leaf color may be a bit less colorful in low-light areas, the plants will still grow lush and beautiful, perfect for livening up any darker areas in your home.

nerve plant/peace lily Peace Lily

Not actually true lilies, Peace Lilies have white hood-like flowers, similar to calla lilies. They are one of the few tropicals that bloom indoors. While they are tolerant of low light—after all, they thrive in tropical forests where they receive only dappled sunlight. They do require bright, indirect sunlight for the best blooms. Pothos This vine thrives in not only low-light conditions but also with low maintenance overall—it’s best to let the soil dry between waterings. The trailing habit of Pothos vine means you can transform your low-light room into a jungle getaway, a perfect place to take a midday break, or relax at the end of the day.

pothos/spider plant Spider Plant

Spider Plant is the low-light tolerant plant that keeps on giving since you can easily propagate the small offshoots it produces. Available with solid or variegated leaves, and straight or curly growth habits, there are multiple types of Spider Plants to choose from! If your Spider Plant develops brown tips on the ends of its leaves, cut them off with clean scissors. Brown tips could be from low humidity or under/overwatering. Snake Plant One of the hardiest plants around, Snake Plants can tolerate low-light levels and require water only every few weeks. They come in various forms, some with long, straight leaves, others with arching ones, and some with short, wide leaves. All of these varieties have the low-care requirements that have made them a favorite houseplant among many.

snake plant/monstera deliciosa Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Deliciosa has large leaves that feature holes in them, which is where the common name Swiss Cheese Plant comes from. Though it grows slowly in low-light spaces, you’ll need to add a pole or trellis to support it when it starts to get a bit larger. ZZ Plant Requiring water only every few weeks, ZZ Plant is a low-care houseplant that can thrive in low-light conditions. It can even survive with little natural light, able to grow under fluorescent office lights. With its lush, glossy leaves, and low-maintenance attitude, ZZ Plant is a go-to houseplant for many.

Brightening up dark corners of the home with houseplants is a great idea any time of year, but as we head into the darker winter months, plants will be an even more welcome addition! Stop by our garden center to start your low-light-level houseplant collection.

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